Sanoïa is an agile contract research organization for innovative real-life studies
We are the first « digital CRO » combining patient experience, digital expertise and full-service CRO in an agile mode.
Sanoïa’s solutions close the gap between the real life of patients and the clinical research objectives of its clients: sponsors of real-life studies, real world data (RWD) projects, non-interventional study (NIS) projects in France and international.
Hybrid Sanoïa e-cohorts combine —according to the needs of each project— ergonomic electronic case report forms (eCRFs), patient-reported outcome (PRO) data, via internet or mobile applications, data from connected objects with big data, and analyses from the national healthcare system claims databases (SNDS).
Historically, we at Sanoïa also conduct our own published studies about innovation from information and communications technologies (ICTs) in clinical research and routine care: the impact of e-health solutions on the physician relationship in real life, the contribution of machine learning technologies to data from connected objects, etc.
Sanoïa’s data services rely on an ISO 27001-certified health data hosting provider (HADS in French).