AFCROs was born in 2002 from the joint reflection of service and consulting companies in pharmaceutical and medical development for Health Products.
The action of AFCROs is only associative. AFCROs aims to be dynamic and reactive, while fundamentally respecting the independence of member companies and their competitive situation.
Why France for clinical research
Business Processes Enablers
Operational Excellence
Medical Excellence
An EU leader in healthcare
Why choose France
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Clinical Research
Clinical research includes all scientific studies conducted on humans with the aim of improving medical knowledge in order to better treat pathologies.
Working in CRO
CRO is the acronym for Contract Research Organization. This refers to a private company that provides, on a contractual basis, services in the field of biomedical research for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industry.
The role of our association is to represent, defend and convey the fruit of our reflections and work to the outside world. It is essentially in our working groups that ideas and recommendations are germinated and matured and later shared and disseminated.
Acting with and with all stakeholders to make France an attractive country for Clinical Research
Medical devices
French expertise on the clinical evaluation of medical devices
Clinical Research Professions
Promote clinical research careers among students and professionals
Real world data
French expertise on real life primary and secondary data
AI & Clinical Research
Use of Artificial Intelligence to serve our CRO professions
Patients and Clinical Research
Patients at the heart of clinical research
single convention
Monitor the use of the single convention
Follow the regulations relating to study authorization requests
Follow health data protection regulations
Human vigilance
To develop and share good practices for the professional achievement of Clinical Research staff
Decentralised clinical trials
Reflections on the creation of an agile and secure methodology for the development of decentralised clinical trials in France.
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Join us
AFCROs welcomes companies that perform
services in clinical and epidemiological research for the health products industry: Drugs, Medical Devices, Cosmetology…
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Découvrez les missions et compétences clés des métiers de la recherche clinique